Thursday, January 29, 2009


Why do we procrastinate so much? Why do I? Why do I put off things? For days now I've been looking at the mess in my house, but I'd rather sit on the computer playing on Facebook. That's not rational. I hate cooking in a messy kitchen so instead I spend money on eating out. Again - not rational. WTF? What's wrong with me?

I have a great idea for a romance novel, but I cannot get the words written down. I hate writing detail; I just want to get the story down. So instead, I sit and stare at the blank Word document with the story playing like a movie in my head. Why can't I get it out?

I have no answers; only complaints. I'm so afriad I'm going to miss out on something online, whether it be about Gerry or anything else, that I dont' get up and clean my house. Okay, I hear it . . . I see it . . . that's just obsessive and stupid. I've always been the one being left out of things as a kid, and even sometimes as an adult, so I have this "thing" about being left out, being the last to know, etc. That's my problem, and like my friend Cheri tells me, I shouldn't paint the world today with the brush of my past. I have to let that go.

I'm also not exercising. That's not good, either. I have lost weight since Christmas, and I know I can do better - lose as much weight as I can by July. That's my goal. But am I doing anything about it? Nope. In fact, I ate cheddar cheese flavored Ruffles yesterday. Bad bad girl! They're so good, though. LOL Well, I got on the scale this morning and I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any, either. I can live with that - but not for too much longer.

The only one who can change all this is ME. I have to find that place inside myself that says it's okay to see new pics of Gerry later; they'll be there. It's okay to chat only a few hours a day and not ALL DAY. It's okay to take care of myself, my house, my spirit and my body. So, how do I get there?

By just doing it. It doesn't come magically. You can't pray and have the motivation be magically in you. It's already there; it's just a matter of digging deep enough to bring it to the surface. Allowing yourself to put the important things first. I think we as woman naturally don't take care of our needs, and even when someone like me has the kids out of the house, it's a hard habit to get into. I have to make the time.

I do get up on most Tuesday and Thursday mornings and do yoga with my friend Julie. It's really good for me to do that, even though I abhor getting up at 6:00 am. I have to get back to doing pilates, and I know I don't eat right. I dont' think I eat enough good calories. I don't munch as much (that was hard to type) as I used to, but I have a Top Raman for lunch everyday. LOL Not healthy calories. But CHEAP.

So, hopefully this weekend I'll try to get myself into a pattern and routine of taking better care of myself and my home, and I know that Gerry will be there waiting for me on the computer. So will my friends - who will want me to have a better and healthier lifestyle anyway.


  1. You are worth it - you deserve a clean house to live in, you deserve as healthy a body as you can make it, you deserve healthy food. Get up and do it for YOU - just for 15 minutes :-)

  2. It is not necessary to do Yoga only in the morning. It can be done even in the evening. Yoga can be done 5 hours after heavy meals. Doing Yoga in the morning is best, evening is also good.

  3. It is easy to procrastinate when you live alone. We all need someone behind us to give us the incentive to get things done each day. When widows lose their husband's they quite often stop cleaning and cooking as much as they used to. They lost the need to do so. It is harder to motivate just yourself.
